Living in Massachusetts
Massachusetts has the distinction of being one of the oldest and greatest states in America. Everything about the state seems historic, from its museums to its sports teams, and residents take great pride in being part of that ongoing history.
But while cold weather, team sports, coffee choices, and the state’s general proximity to various vacation spots may seem overwhelming at first, the state also offers some of the best food, educational opportunities, and job potential in the country.
Working in Massachusetts
According to the Boston Globe, the top state employers of 2018 included real estate companies, medical technologies, and the hospitality industries. Current job demands in the state call for medical professionals in various fields, psychiatrists, and engineers, not to mention construction specialists and teachers.
Weather in Massachusetts
The climate of Massachusetts gets classified as humid continental, which is a technical way of saying the state experiences all four seasons. The summers tend to be warm but nowhere near as oppressively hot as the southern states, but Mother Nature makes up for this by burying the state in snow during the winter.
We should clarify that the term “warm” might even be a stretch; late May-early June weather in Massachusetts sometimes won’t get out of the high 60s. If you’re the kind of person that considers that range to qualify as warm, we recommend not going any further south than New York. The July weather might climb into the 80s, but it won’t hang around long.
On the plus side, if you’ve always wondered what the seasons look like, Massachusetts offers some of the best nature displays in the country. Spring and fall can be experienced here in all their glory, and if you’ve ever desired to include more sweaters and long-sleeve shirts in your wardrobe, Massachusetts will certainly grant you the opportunity to do so. If you’re relocating to Massachusetts from any of the southern states, you’ll probably have to trade in your sandals for snow shoes. And get a good jacket; you’re going to need it.
Things to do after moving to Massachusetts
If you like to drink, you’ll like living in Massachusetts. Never mind the awesomeness that is the Samuel Adams Brewery; the Massachusetts Wine and Cheese Trail features more than 29 wineries and 18 cheese sellers. And the wine made in Massachusetts takes advantage of all the fruits produced in the fertile state land, so in addition to grapes, the vendors feature wine made from apples, blueberries, and peaches.
Massachusetts also seems to enjoy a monopoly on higher learning. Harvard, MIT, Boston College, Amherst, Cambridge, and Wellesley all reside within the state lines, which kind of makes sense when one considers the large role the state played during the early days of America.
If you like rooting for sports, Massachusetts has a great deal to offer, even if most of the teams reside in Boston. But those teams all have a long history of winning championships, which can be good news for anyone relocating here from places that either don’t win games or don’t play at all. The Boston Celtics currently have 17 NBA Championships, the Boston Bruins boast six Stanley Cup wins, and the Boston Red Sox have nine World Series championships.
And since all these teams still compete, odds will be good at least one of them will win another championship soon. Probably the Patriots.
Don’t feel like watching Tom Brady throw the ‘ol pigskin around? Take advantage of the state’s well-known history centers. The state was the spot of such famous events as the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s ride, and numerous sites of importance during the American Revolution. So much stuff happened in Massachusetts that, from a certain point of view, the entire state could be viewed as a museum.
The Witch House in Salem, however, features some of the state’s darker history by serving as the last building still standing from the infamous witch trials of the late 17th century. And if the direct link to the witch trials doesn’t seem creepy enough, it doesn’t help that the house in question looks as menacing as the Amityville house.
But if a witch house seems a bit too much, there’s also the Forest Hills Cemetery. Originally founded in 1848, the cemetery enjoys a reputation for its beautiful garden settings and peaceful atmosphere.
Moving to Massachusetts, adjusting to the Culture
If you want coffee in Massachusetts, odds will be good that you’ll end up in a Dunkin Donuts. There are other options, of course, but Dunkin has been king of Massachusetts coffee for more than 60 years. You’ll be able to locate Starbucks and other coffee vendors here as well, but the sheer volume of Dunkin Donuts stores will eventually break anyone of that habit. Also, just for clarification, the Boston cream pie actually consists of cake with a pudding center. Don’t confuse it with an éclair.
The accents on display in Massachusetts might provide some challenges to new arrivals, too. Anyone hearing potatoes referred to as “b’dayduhs” might be confused, and hearing “the balls” used as the highest of compliments might be insulted. One small grace: thanks to movies and television, we’ve learned the best way to affect a Boston accent is by just dropping the “r.” Don’t rush to employ the accent when you first arrive, though; it’ll come with time.
In fact, that’s probably a safe rule to follow wherever you go: don’t try to mimic the accents. Let the accent come to you. Also, you might get beat up if you try saying “pahk the cah in the yahd.”
Like the idea of trading in boxer shorts for long johns? Or does the idea of getting the bounty of all four seasons at the cost of long winters sound like a deal breaker, wine and beer offerings notwithstanding? We get it; relocating to Massachusetts can be a big decision. But if you’re ready to take the next step in your life and move to Massachusetts, Colonial Van Lines has you covered. We’ve got the experience and the expertise to make sure your moving experience will be solid, straight forward, and above all, stress free. Call a Colonial Van Lines professional today and let us help get you to Massachusetts.
Long Distance Moving to Massachusetts

June 23, 2019