Wisconsin, a state that should have the motto: “What? We Really Like Cheese.”
Actually, the motto is “Forward,” which works as both the direction towards the future, which is inspirational, and something to yell at the car in front of you that doesn’t move when the light turns green, which is practical. It’s also serves as the motto of the University of Wisconsin, which comes in handy during football season when hundreds of fan can scream it at the offense.
Inspirational and practical combine with the Midwestern sense of friendliness in Wisconsin, which features tremendous job opportunities, a startup culture, some of the best freshwater technologies in the world, and several cities and towns that frequently appear on Best Places to Live rankings.
In other words, Wisconsin has a great deal more to offer than cheese and the Green Bay Packers.
Living in Wisconsin
Agriculture plays a big role in the Wisconsin. While it is fair to say that cheese and bratwurst does play a significant role in the local food offerings, they aren’t the only things on the menu. Thanks to the ready access of produce, fish, livestock, and dairy products, Wisconsin serves as a horn of plenty.
Outdoor activities get encouraged, especially when the weather warms up enough for everyone to put away their jackets for a few weeks. The state offers forests, wildlife preserves, lakes, rivers, and state parks to explore, including the Niagara Escarpment and the Elroy-Sparta Trail.
Note: Elroy-Sparta has nothing to do with Greek Sparta, so don’t invite your friends to go there with you just so you can knock them over and yell “This is Sparta!” They probably won’t appreciate it.
Working in Wisconsin
According to the Census ACS 1-year survey, the median household income for Wisconsin was $59,305 in 2017. Compared to the median US household income, Wisconsin median household income is $1,031 lower. Simply put, a family of four with two working adults would need to make $16.04 an hour to meet the state’s cost-of-living standard.
Wisconsin’s Weather
Contrary to popular belief, the four seasons of Wisconsin cannot accurately be described as “Snow, More Snow, All the Snow, and Melted Snow.” Sometimes it rains, too.
In all seriousness, anyone that’s ever watched a home game at Lambeau Field from the comfort of their living room understands that Wisconsin gets cold. The average annual temperature levels out at 55 degrees and gets colder the further north you go, although summer temperatures have been known to climb up in the 70s. Also, the first freezes of the season can arrive in summertime.
Essentially, moving to Wisconsin means a full-bodied embrace of all things cold. On the one hand, that means snow tires, ice picks, and heavy clothes. On the other hand, it means hot food will never be unwelcome, and you’ll never lack for opportunities to practice snow angels or throw snowballs at the kids when they don’t get their toys off the lawn.
However, springtime can be beautiful, especially if you like seeing Mother Nature’s color collection on full display. Likewise, autumn in Wisconsin calls to mind autumn in upstate New York or a fall festival in Ohio. Just don’t pack your winter clothes away for too long; odds will be good you’ll have need of them again before too long.
Things To Do in Wisconsin
If you’re a fan of music festivals, sports, and outdoor activities, you’ll never be bored in Wisconsin.
While the idea of finding something to do in Wisconsin might seem as hopelessly mundane as hanging out at a dairy farm or maybe rolling a wheel of cheese down a hill, the state offers a variety of food and music festivals, including the ten-day, 75-acre music festival known as Summerfest. With multiple stages and more big-name performers than can be listed here (although it’s not uncommon to see performers like Willie Nelson, Jennifer Lopez, and the Zac Brown Band on the lineup), it’s the place to be for anyone that enjoys live music.
But if hanging out by the shores of Lake Michigan for ten days of music doesn’t seem appealing, there’s always football. And while there are football fans and super football fans, none of them hold a candle to your average Packer fan.
Part of the reason the fans love the Packers so much rests with the fact that many of them have an actual stake in the team’s performance. True, any fan can say they have an emotional stake in whether the home team wins or loses, but Packers fans have the unique option of actually owning a part of the team. According to Sportscasting.com, the team doesn’t technically have a single owner, or a handful of partners, like every other NFL team. Instead, the team is owned by hundreds of thousands of fans, who all bought a piece of the Green Bay Packers in a public stock sale.
That’s right; the fans own the team. Talk about a power trip.
But if public ownership in a professional sports team doesn’t excite you the same way the idea of 200 water slides does, not to worry; Wisconsin has that, too. The Wisconsin Dells serves as the summer tourist destination, and Noah’s Ark Water Park stands on 70 acres and boasts three miles of water slides (that’s in total miles, even though a three-mile-long water slide would be sick).
Wisconsin: Water Parks and Winter Sports. Trust us, it all makes sense.
Wisconsin’s Culture
Wisconsin is not for the lactose intolerant. Or anyone that doesn’t believe in a fiber-rich diet.
The state produces three million pounds of cheese annually. Three million pounds, or 1,500 tons. That’s a lot of cheese. Quick note: It’s perfectly acceptable to say “Cheese” when taking a picture in Wisconsin. It’s also acceptable to say “Cheese” while wearing a foam cheesehead hat, holding a block of cheese, and standing next to a cow and/or cheese factory. But if you say “Cheese” while standing in front of curing meat, you’re being a jerk.
Culturally speaking, the state boasts a strong German influence, which you may experience by using more beer and cheese in your cooking. Also, weekend activities in the fall will rotate around tailgating or planning to see a football team. It will not be uncommon to walk through a town area on a Sunday and find most of the business owners and patrons otherwise engaged in the game. It doesn’t even have to be a big game; a team of high school football all-stars could show up at Lambeau Field and everybody would still watch.
Go, Pack, Go
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Long Distance Moving To Wisconsin

December 20, 2019