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Continuing the Dream: Stress-Free Moving Tips for Newly Weds.

August 6, 2024

Marriage day is one of the happiest days in a couple’s life. The chance to celebrate your happiness with all your loved ones brings an unparalleled sense of joy that cannot be replicated. However, in most cases, this joyous day is followed by the stressful process of moving in together and all the logistics and tumult associated with converting two homes into one. But with some deep breaths and by following these steps, you can carry your happiness from the marriage day to the moving day:

1.  Plan Well in Advance:

A great way to take out the stress from any activity is to plan ahead.  Bouncing ideas off of each other on different aspects of the home, including the decor, the furniture, and others at least 8-12 weeks before the actual move can give you the comfort of not going into the move completely unaware of what to do next. Along with planning, some tasks can be executed early as well. These include acts like making sure that the electricity and water connection in the house is taken care of. Doing this will make sure that once you are in the house, it is smooth sailing from that point onwards.

2.  Inventory is the key:

Making a checklist of all the items you own and want to transport could be another sure-shot way of avoiding any last-day moving jitters. You can divide your checklist into different categories based on the importance of the item at hand or any other category that suits your move. The great thing about the inventory checklist is that it does not need to be finished in one day, you can keep adding items to it as you move closer to the moving day!

3.  Let go of Baggage:

Transitioning from the ‘me’ to the ‘we’ mindset also requires small sacrifices from both partners in the relationship. Be it sacrificing your extra table, the one bookshelf that is too big to fit anywhere, or merging your idea of the decor into something you both like, you have to be flexible. You can take inspiration from the seamless wedding planning you did. You carefully considered the wedding location, the budget, and the happiness of both you and your partner.

4.  Hire Help from Professional Movers

Another important thing to remember is that you are not alone in the whole process. There are professionals around you who can offer great help during any stage of the moving process. These professionals range from experienced movers who can help make your moving day a lot easier to interior designers who can create the space you desire. Utilizing them will definitely cut down the extra hassle of doing everything on your own.

5.  Communicate with everyone around you

This isn’t just limited to communication as a couple but also includes communicating with your friends from the very early stages of the moving process, selecting the right neighborhood for the house, hiring trusted professionals through friends’ recommendations, and borrowing a helping hand when the physical move happens, where more hands could be a great asset.

6.  Divide Tasks

Moving is one more task where the benefit of being a couple kicks in. You can now divide tasks amongst each other based on interests or you can choose to randomly distribute them. The quintessential thing is that you divide them equally so that the number is balanced and nobody gets stuck doing the bulk of the work.

7.  Decluttering can destress

One of the truths of the moving process is the fact that you cannot carry everything from your old home with you. Your original space needs to be decluttered before you embark on your new journey. There are several creative ways in which decluttering can occur:

  • Yard Sale:
    A great way to declutter unused items is by selling them in a yard sale. Making an event out of the selling activity through the yard sale could attract more people from the neighborhood.
  • Donate:
    Donating things can be a great way to give away items that are still valuable but of no use to you. This could involve clothes that you have outgrown, extra tables that you do not plan to shift to the new house, and all the other items that could help somebody else.

8.  Plan the Moving Day

After planning your dream day in a beautiful vineyard in California, or a beach in Milan and after following all the pre-moving rituals, it is important to plan the moving day as well. This would require waking up and starting early, talking to the movers and packer to devise a plan, finding suitable accommodation for your pets, and all other miscellaneous tasks, the completion of which can make your life on the moving day much easier.

9.  Keep your medications handy

Health should always be a priority, even on the moving day, and preferably a first aid kit and medications should be kept handy during the entire moving process. This could include some over-the-counter and any prescribed medications for either of the two people in the relationship. Separating them early on in a different bag and labeling them during inventory can also prevent the confusion of mistakenly packing them with other items.

10. Check the weather and make suitable  adjustments:

The moving day can be stressful with the number of trips you have to make to different places. You want to avoid adding the stress of bad weather to that list. So, checking the weather and picking a day that does not have rain interruptions or is not extremely hot or cold could be a good way to make your life easier during the moving period. If extreme weather cannot be avoided, then suitable accommodations like umbrellas for rainy days, or insulated jackets for extreme should be made to make life easier.


In the end, one important thing to remember is that no matter how enormous the challenge might seem, moving can be made relatively easy if you plan properly, organize everything, and most importantly just remember to breathe once in a while. Happy Moving!
