Indiana enjoys a reputation of having a small-town vibe in a state with amazing well-known metropolis, mostly because almost everybody has heard the word Indianapolis at least a few times in their lives. Most travel blogs will stress the sense of ease offered by the state, which seems nice until you realize that “sense of ease” would be something most potential new residents would want with any location. Also, “sense of ease” sounds like an advertisement for a tropical vacation.
Living in Indiana
So what does Indiana offer besides a sense of ease? Proximity. And we can help with that.
In addition to the relative lack of heavy traffic thanks to a lack of big cities that create congestion, the state offers relative proximity to several major cities, including Chicago, Nashville, and Louisville. There’s also an abundance of museums, historical sites, and roadside attractions that encourage people to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle and go find them. Some of those attractions include the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art and the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, and the World’s Largest Ball of Paint.
So what won’t you find easily in Indiana? An explanation of the word “Hoosier.” We’ll get to that later.
Indiana’s Working Environment
According to the Census ACS 1-year survey, the median household income for Indiana was $54,181 in 2017. Compared to the median US household income, Indiana median household income is $6,155 lower. 2018 Census ACS data (including 2018 Indiana household income numbers) will be released in September of 2019. Indiana median family income and per capita income for Indiana are shown further down.
The state has a high demand for healthcare professionals, and the relatively low cost of living currently means a family of four with two working parents can live in the state while making $15.15 an hour.
Weather in Indiana
Indiana’s weather can be summed up in three words: overcast but pleasant.
Indiana has a humid continental climate, which means the winters will be hot, the summers will be hot and wet, and the southern portion receives a great deal of precipitation. Winter tends to be cloudy, with snow starting to fall as early as November and running almost to April. And droughts can occasionally occur in the summer months, although with average highs peaking in the mid-80s, summer days can also be downright pleasant.
Measurable snowfall usually begins in late November and ends in late March. Daytime high temperatures in January, the coldest month of the year, average in the middle 30s, with overnight lows averaging in the upper teens.
Summer weather in Indiana can range from pleasant to sultry. Daytime highs average in the low-to-mid 80s and overnight lows in the mid-60s, but heat waves can cause the mercury to soar. Combined with elevated humidity, temperatures can feel quite oppressive. Fortunately, extended periods of searing heat are rare, as cold fronts regularly usher in relatively cooler and drier Canadian air. Droughts can occasionally occur during summer, causing disruption to the state’s agricultural backbone. On the other hand, thunderstorms are common during the summer months as well.
Things To Do
Like football? Indiana has the Indianapolis Colts. Like cars going in circles for hours? Indiana has the Indianapolis 500. Like historic town districts with public parks and a nature center? Indiana has Zionsville, which also can be found in Indianapolis.
If you’re noticing a trend, it’s that most of the big urban activities like concerts, ball games, and live performances tend to get regulated to Indianapolis. If it wasn’t for the state’s proximity to other cities and towns, it might prove difficult to find things to do that don’t involve watching the corn.
Oh, and there’s a lot of corn. However, it would in inadvisable to sneak out to the cornfields at night and try to make strange symbols in the corn fields. Anyone that’s ever tried a corn maze at a fall festival knows how hard it can be to find the way out in broad daylight. Trying to do it at night should not be attempted without at least a flashlight and a concrete disbelief in aliens, field-dwelling monsters, and possessed children.
Indiana Culture
So you’re probably asking yourself, “What is a Hoosier?” The answer? It’s a term for a native or inhabitant of Indiana. So where the term comes from? It’s anyone’s guess.
It doesn’t refer to an animal (Look out! It’s a wild rabid Hoosier!), a group of people (The Hoosierans were not a group of barbarian polka enthusiasts who raided villages and forced innocent townsfolk to dance to accordion music at swordpoint), or even an event in nature (Get indoors! There’s a Hoosier on the way!). It may be tempting to believe the term holds some significance to the Native American tribes, but history does not record any usage of Hoosiers among the Potawatomi, Shawnee, Kickapoo, Delaware, and Winnebago tribes native to the area.
Author Walter Havighurst probably gave the best way to consider the word in his novel The Heartland: “Whatever its origin, the name of ‘Hoosier’ has had a lasting appeal for Indiana people and has acquired a quite enviable aura. For more than 100 years, it has continued to mean friendliness, neighborliness; an idyllic contentment with Indiana landscape and life.”
In other words, what does it matter? Just run with it and go visit a Steak n’ Shake.
Quick note on Hoosierdom: Unless you have a child attending the University of Indiana, do not purchase any shirts, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, or any paraphernalia that reads “Hoosier Daddy?”
Seriously, Hoosier Daddy? Go There And Find Out.
We get that moving down the street can be stressful, and moving to a new state can be downright horrifying. But Colonial Van Lines has the experience and the expertise to make sure your moving experience will be straight forward and stress free.
Sold on the idea of relocating to the Hoosier state? The idea of enjoying a Colts game in your backyard seems appealing? Then what are you waiting for? Call a Colonial Van Lines professional and find out how to get started.
Long Distance Moving to Indiana

November 19, 2019