San Antonio, a city that should have the motto: “What? We’ve got more than the Alamo, you know.”And it’s true. While the site of the famous stand certainly ranks as one of ...

Seattle, a city whose motto could be: “What’s Wrong with Overcast? Don’t You Enjoy Mother Nature?”Located in Washington state, Seattle enjoys the reputation of being relatively easy-going, politically moderate/liberal, and hosting a ...

Charlotte, North Carolina. Where downtown gets referred to as Uptown.Fun fact: in the city’s earliest days, most of the trading in goods and services at Trade and Tryon, where disputes got settled ...

Dallas has a reputation.Even if you’ve never set foot in the state of Texas before, odds are good you’ve heard of Dallas and its reputation for being grand, a large and diverse ...

Wisconsin, a state that should have the motto: “What? We Really Like Cheese.”Actually, the motto is “Forward,” which works as both the direction towards the future, which is inspirational, and something to ...

Mississippi, a state that should have the motto: “You get brownie points for writing ‘Mississippi’ without spellcheck.” The actual motto is “Virtute et armis,” which means “By valor and arms” and sounds ...